With a unique legal background, Mr. Emejuru brings a fresher perspective and different type of experience to the table for his clients. See how he can help you.
Sexual Harassment Attorney in Silver Spring
Serving Maryland & Washington D.C.
Coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment is no easy task. It takes extraordinary courage, which is why our attorney at Emejuru Law wants to stand by your side at every step of this ordeal. We are here to provide compassionate yet powerful counsel and representation. Local, state, and federal laws protect your right and access to a safe work environment, and our job is to hold others accountable for violating that space and your wellbeing.
Come to Emejuru Law to discuss your situation in a safe and confidential environment. Send us an online message or call (240) 607-5552 to schedule your initial consultation. We speak Spanish upon request.
Defining Workplace Sexual Harassment
Whether you are an applicant or employee, federal law protects you from sexual harassment committed by a supervisor, co-worker, or even a client or customer. While sexual harassment refers to harassment based on sex, your gender and the gender of the harasser do not matter. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 labels sexual harassment as a form of discrimination, and federal protections apply to all employers and businesses that have at least 15 employees.
Under Title VII, sexual harassment may include:
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Any verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature
- Offensive comments about a person’s sex/gender
Defining sexual harassment can be difficult because it largely depends on how it affects your work environment as a whole. A single offhand comment, for example, may not qualify as sexual harassment.
Generally, comments or other actions may qualify as sexual harassment if:
- The harasser has either explicitly or implicitly communicated that this treatment is a part of the terms of your employment;
- An employment decision is made based on your submission to or rejection of the conduct; and/or
- The conduct interferes with your work or creates a hostile or abusive work environment.
Determining whether your experience qualifies as sexual harassment can be difficult in more ways than one, but our employment lawyer in Silver Spring is here to take some of the burden off your shoulders and provide counsel you can trust.